Crazy Laws That Will Drive You Mad

photo of wierd traffic sign stating "red light running special enforcement zone"

It does not take a legal degree to recognize how ludicrous some of our laws are – especially when it comes to rules of the road. Good thing too, ‘cuz I sure don’t have one. These crazy traffic laws have not been documented, so forgive me in advance if they are wrong. Either way they are pretty funny. Let us …


Is it bad to top off your tank?


Is it bad to top off your tank? Yes. Ok, I am done. Just take my word for it, you don’t want to top off your tank. Well fine, I can give you some reasons. Actually the newest, most shocking reason that I just ran across is because topping off your tank can cause CANCER! For years we have know …


Planning for Your Summer Road Trip

Posted on March 25, 2011, 4:36 pm, by That Car Lady While it may seem early (yes, I know it’s only Spring), now is a great time to start planning for a summer road trip. Here are some things you can do now to make things smoother on the road and at your destination: – Do any needed car repairs …
